Manage and measure your profitability

Dashdoc's TMS centralizes all your information, giving you access to a complete dashboard. Are you ready to pilot ?

Picture Managing your business - TMS Product

Optimize your performance

Operational indicators - TMS Product

On the operation side

Financial indicators - TMS Product

On the financial side

On the economic side

Transport performance

  • Transport in progress and completed

  • Punctuality and time spent on site

  • Goods with reserves

Wide choice of filters to suit your organization

Activity report

  • Sales by driver

  • Sales per km by type of activity

  • Commercial dependence by customer (does your revenues come from a top 5 customers ? Have you enough diversity ?)

Customizable and varied analyses

Profitability of your chartering business

  • Classification of your charterers by transport volume

  • Analysis of your charter margins

Dashdoc makes data mining an easy process

  • Open API to connect Dashdoc to your favorite analysis tools

  • 1-click data export

Data mining is easy process - TMS Product

A question ?

Our team will be happy to help you with any kind of question regarding our product.