2 persons looking at a computer : fleet management system seems working

How to achieve optimal truck fleet management?


by Clémence Levieil, on 7/27/2023

5 min read

For a carrier managing a fleet of vehicles, equipment management and maintenance are essential to ensure smooth and profitable operations. However, manually keeping track of maintenance schedules, repairs and inspections can quickly become a complex and time-consuming task! That's why fleet management software - in the case of road transport, truck fleet management software - becomes an invaluable asset.

Dashdoc takes a look at the advantages of such a tool, and how it can simplify and improve the maintenance of your vehicle fleet. 

Fleet Management System helps to organise and plan the transport
Planification of transport is easy with a good management of the fleet

Fleet management means proactive maintenance planning

Fleet management software makes it easy to proactively plan the maintenance of your fleet. What does this mean in practice?

It means that, in order to have a detailed history and to make simple assessments and updates, you can record information about each vehicle. This includes technical specifications and recommended maintenance intervals. 

The software sends you automatic reminders when maintenance dates are approaching, such as for HGV roadworthiness tests, enabling you to plan maintenance work in advance. 

The result? Much less risk of costly breakdowns and unscheduled downtime. Greater safety and a longer service life for your vehicles!

A point that can improved : the time you spend on the trucks maintenance
A point that can improved : the time you spend on the trucks maintenance

Managing maintenance tasks

A truck doesn't maintain itself, as I'm sure you're well aware! 

If you have fleet management software, you can efficiently track all the maintenance tasks required for your fleet. 

You can record : 

  • work carried out ;

  • spare parts used ;

  • associated costs.

Finally, you can generate detailed reports to analyze maintenance trends. You now have in your hands a true maintenance history for each vehicle, and are free to identify recurring problems and make informed decisions to optimize operations.

Regulatory inspections

Beware of penalties and, above all, accidents if you don't comply with safety and maintenance regulations as a road haulier! 

Once again, this is where truck fleet management software can prove indispensable. It simplifies the tracking of regulatory inspections by recording the expiry dates of certifications, technical inspections, and other legal requirements. 

How does it work? You receive automated alerts a few weeks or days before the due dates to ensure that all inspections are carried out on time.

Managing suppliers and spare parts 

Many telephone calls and e-mails back and forth with your suppliers and spare parts stocks? Fleet management software can help! 

Record supplier information and track spare parts orders and stock levels. 

This facilitates supply management, helps you keep costs under control and ensures rapid availability of parts for maintenance work.

Fleet management: analyze performance to optimize costs

Fleet Management Analysis on a computer
Fleet Management Analysis

Thanks to its integrated analysis functions, fleet management software enables you to monitor : 

  • maintenance costs ;

  • fuel consumption and therefore fuel costs;

  • downtime.

Once you've collected all this information, all you need to do is analyze your fleet's performance.

You can generate detailed reports on operating costs, downtime, maintenance trends and potential savings. This information helps you identify areas for improvement, optimize maintenance costs and make strategic decisions to increase fleet efficiency.

Connect your fleet management software... to your other software!

To take things a step further, you can connect your truck fleet management software to your transport planning software! This connection, known as integration, enables data to be synchronized between equipment management and the planning of transport operations (loading, unloading, rounds, etc.). 

If you heard also about time slot management system, this is the perfect example of tools connexion that can help you optimize your transports.

I want to try the time slot management

Two points can be made about the benefits of such integration.

Optimized planning

The link between the fleet management software and the transport planning system enables you to take into account vehicle availability, maintenance status and the downtime required for planned operations. This enables you to draw up more precise transport plans, avoiding availability conflicts and optimizing the use of your fleet.

Better coordination between teams

Better communication thanks to fleet management system inside the teams
Better communication inside the teams

By connecting fleet management software with transport planning, you simply promote better coordination between operational teams.

Information shared in real time enables fleet managers, planners and drivers to collaborate effectively and communicate relevant updates.

This promotes smooth communication, reduces errors and optimizes decision-making, contributing to more efficient management of your fleet.

If there's one thing you need to remember, it's that you don't have time to waste. High-performance tools for optimal truck fleet management exist, and can make your job easier in many respects when you're managing day-to-day transport operations.

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