Focus on growth (+20%) thanks to Dashdoc for Mantico


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Emmanuel Dimpre, President of Mantico, and Tim Servaege, Transport Manager, give us their assessment of the Dashdoc TMS solution. For over two years now, they have been helping Mantico, a Belgian company specializing in automotive transport, to evolve. They work daily with the Dashdoc TMS. Why did they switch to this tool? And what exactly does it do for them?

How did you hear about Dashdoc?

Emmanuel Dimpre (E.D.): We first heard about Dashdoc from a colleague who managed a large number of vehicles in the west of France, and who used Dashdoc to carry out his operations. Even though our volumes were much larger than those of our colleague, we already had an idea of how the software worked, and were keen to test it.

Then came the Transport & Logistics show in Antwerp in October 2023. We attended a first demo of the tool, but above all we met the team.

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Company's logo

Why was meeting the team so important?

E.D.: We met a very human and efficient team. We immediately felt at ease, almost like a family, and that was very pleasant. After the first demo at the show, Sami came to see us in the field, in our offices, and we immediately had a privileged contact.

For us, support is essential, because Tim and I have already worked for two large companies, leaders in the European used car transport and resale market, and we came up against a problem: human contact is regulated, stifled and therefore absent. There's hardly any exchange, and that creates a gap between needs and solutions.

So it was essential to have a team in front of us that understood us and could adapt.

Do you have an example in mind when you mention the importance of support?

E.D.: Whether it was Sami or Anush at Dashdoc, we felt they were quick, clear and professional. The Transport Management System undergoes regular changes, really a lot of changes. And Sami was there to find solutions, even when certain functionalities weren't yet fully developed for our business. For example, the team was able to work around the problem of the integrated logistics system for cars. We felt they really listened to us every step of the way.

How do you use Dashdoc today?

Tim Servaege (T.S.): We work in the car transport sector, and when we started to have very large volumes of vehicles to manage, we started to charter. To give an average, we're running around 500 to 1000 cars per month on Dashdoc.

We needed software to communicate with our drivers, who pick up the cars on either side. Dashdoc enables us to make this contact in real time, to take photos, and in fact to monitor the entire transport process.

As we manage more volumes, we have a real need to have data on time and to respond more quickly to customers. Dashdoc's TMS enables us to work more proactively and save time.

What has changed since you started working with TMS?

T.S.: We used to work mainly with Excel. On Excel files to send out transport orders, so that we could tell customers which trucks were going to arrive, and so on. We are not completely done away with Excel, it's not possible, but the fact of having a real view of the whole schedule, of being able to prepare batching, to group lots together, to know at any given moment what operations are in progress, what the last drop point is, and to be able to make modifications very quickly, changes a lot of things internally.

What do you see as Dashdoc's biggest advantage?

T.S.: The biggest advantage in terms of functionality is above all planning.

Having a global planning vision and being able to track ongoing transport operations makes a huge difference.

The handling of the software is incredibly fluid and very intuitive. If we ask someone to learn the software tomorrow, and they've never seen the system before, I think they can manage the transports in an hour. It's simple and efficient.

E.D.: And the other strong point is really the responsiveness of the support team.

How has your team adapted to this new tool?

E.D.: We started experimenting with the software in December, both our sessions were open, but we really got going in January. Upgrading was fairly quick, as the software is simple at first glance. But there's a constant need to upgrade! Because innovation and adaptation are part of the Dashdoc project, the system is constantly being updated* to meet the needs of most users.

*Software updates correspond to global product evolutions: refining functionalities, new features, display modifications, etc.

Was Dashdoc the starting point for a new project?

E.D.: Before adopting Dashdoc, we already had the idea of expanding, and we're currently in the process of acquiring trucks to expand in Romania. Dashdoc contributes to this growth project, that's for sure, but the gain is difficult to quantify.

One thing we are sure of, however, is that we've managed to make meetings that we wouldn't have been able to do without the time we've freed up. In the end, this has enabled us to concentrate more on our core business: choosing suppliers, taking full care of customers and thinking about the company's growth by meeting investors abroad. Dashdoc frees up enough time for us to meet partners in Denmark or Lithuania, for example.

The tool works well and frees up our time, which reassures us. We're in a good position to concentrate on Mantico's growth.

Since the beginning of the year, with everything we've put in place (prospecting efforts, improved internal communication and overall time savings), we've been on an upward curve in sales, which is indirectly linked to Dashdoc. Since January, we've managed to increase our sales by 20%.

Finally, if you had to describe Dashdoc in one word?

T.S.: Accompanying!

It's hard to choose a word! I'd say "protean": it covers all the aspects you'd need to function, it's flexible and adaptable. Or "top"!

Do you have similar problems to Mantico and would like to test the Dashdoc software?

I want a demo